What is the Mercy Centre?
Our mission is to support and empower adults with developmental disabilities by providing opportunities to enrich and improve their lives, expand possibilities, ensure safety, provide opportunities to learn, maintain skills and participate in meaningful activities. Our programs strive to enrich the lives of each and every person by helping attain their goals and outcomes, access needed services, achieve fulfillment through positive experience and encourage independence for personal growth.
Mercy Centre is a program of Catholic Charities located in Worcester, Massachusetts. Founded by the Sisters of Mercy and Catholic Charities in the 1960s, the program serves adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, ages eighteen and over, in four different programs from the Worcester County extended area. The Adult Services programs have been in existence for about sixty years.
The Four Programs
The Employment Supports Program, Group Supported Employment program, and Community Day Supports program are funded through the Department of Developmental Disabilities. The Day Habilitation Program is funded by MassHealth.
The focus of this program is job skill development, enhancing work opportunities, and seeking meaningful employment in the community as valued employees, earning competitive wages with the least restrictive supports necessary to continue employment.
This program provides:
•Individualized on-site training with a fading process to promote independence
•Resume and job preparation, assessments and evaluations
•Supports and follow-up to obtain and retain community employment
•Transportation assistance as needed
•Skills to earn competitive wages
Although our goal is independence, monthly follow-ups will continue to establish a relationship between the Employer and the agency to create an on-going successful placement. The agency takes great pride providing people with disabilities the skills and supports they need to obtain and retain a competitive job in the community.
The Group Supported Employment Service provides people with disabilities with on-going supports and training by assisting people to identify their skills, interests, and aspirations to help them access future employment opportunities. Individuals have the opportunity to work in an environment that allows interacting with a diverse population and the prospect to create new community relationships.
Group supported employment services are designed for people in the program who need the supports at various supervised work-sites in the community. This program offers valuable work experiences and, based on individual preference and interests, these sites offer on-site training and assistance at local companies in the community. Support in this program is provided by trained staff at each site.
Experienced, trained job coaches provide ongoing support which helps the person to develop social skills required to do their job and gain confidence for future endeavors. Evaluations, survey interests, assessments, and follow-up is all a component of the process.
Currently, the sites available provide the individual with choices that include light housekeeping in a variety of sites, food services, light packaging, and assembly work. All individuals are transported to the sites by staff and all locations serve the public and employs people from the community.
The Community Based Day Supports Services is an alternative to Employment Supports. This program is designed for individuals who choose to have work take a less important role in their lives.
This program provides supports enrichment opportunities, development of interpersonal skills, and lets individuals enjoy a full range of community activities while developing a network of caring relationships. Supports are based on individualized preferences with an emphasis on self-determination and individual control. Work or work-related activities is not the primary focus.
The CBDS Program provides opportunities for personal growth which enhances the participant’s self-esteem, independence, encourages interactions with peers and community members, offers opportunities to develop increased competence in group situations as both members and leaders, and provides individual opportunities to actively solve problems.
Activities available in CBDS are:
Exercise, gym activities, basketball and yoga
Outside activities: walking, bowling, gardening
Social Activities:
Arts & crafts, choir, coffee club, photo club, picnics, parties, and dances.
Activities of Daily Living (ADL):
Cooking, baking, shopping, computer training
Safety, fire evacuation, computer, human rights, DPPC
Art and music therapies
Community Activities:
Mercy Centre encourages people to participate in volunteering in their community. Presently, the program offers volunteer opportunities throughout the Worcester community.
The Mercy Centre Day Habilitation Program offers an alternative model for individuals experiencing medical issues or those experiencing significant issues that limit their ability to be engaged in full day work activities. This program is funded by MassHealth.
This program provides recognizes that each individual has their own range of skills and abilities. Program members are provided a variety of activities that stimulate senses, teach functional skills, provide meaningful recreation, and further develop physical abilities.
The Interdisciplinary Day Hab Team assesses each individual and their needs are identified to develop a service plan with goals. Services provided assist individuals to acquire, maintain, or improve communication and social skills. The main emphasis is to foster and promote their development to attain independence, build relationships by focusing on working to achieve their goals. These areas may include communication, personal care, socialization, safety, community skills, and problem solving. Activities of daily living such as cooking, cleaning, maintaining personal hygiene, and exercising build a foundation for the expansion of opportunities and the growth of self-esteem.
This program provides each person with the following:
• Skills training programs in a supportive, therapeutic setting
• Restorative services as ordered by the individual’s physician
• Nursing care and assistance in activities of daily living
• Yoga, music and art therapy
Individualized case management, nursing, and therapeutic consultative services are all available as components of this program to individuals who benefit from structured learning and recreations. Consulting services are provided for speech, behavioral, occupational and physical therapies to enhance the individuals’ ability to function independently, relate to others, make choices, and advocate for themselves.
Our Philosophy
We aim to provide quality enhancement of life through meaningful work or volunteerism.
Our commitment is to provide:
- A safe, positive, caring environment
- A professional, knowledgeable, and focused staff
- A strong relationship with family members and advocates for our participants
- The assurance that all participants are provided with opportunities for continuous growth.
Our goal is to promote the rights of each person by providing opportunities and encouragement to:
- Participate in decision making
- Know their rights, responsibilities, and be an advocate for themselves

Contact the Mercy Centre
If you are interested in learning more about Mercy Centre or in scheduling a tour of our programs, please contact us:
Mercy Centre
216 W. Boylson St.
West Boylston, MA 01583
Telephone: 508-860-2257
Fax: 508-453-1908