For more than 60 years, Catholic Charities has been serving meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas to the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and those who may otherwise go without a holiday meal. Delivering over 3,000 meals on both Thanksgiving and Christmas would not be possible without our volunteers. As the Holiday Season is approaching, we must […]
Recently, Congressman Jim McGovern spent time touring Catholic Charites Hammond Street location, observing our programs and talking with staff. The Congressman began the day talking to different program directors about their respective programs. A tour of our food pantry gave the congressman a good sense of what programs and the volume we run out of […]
For more than 55 years, Catholic Charities Worcester County and the Bishop of Worcester have hosted the Bishop’s Holiday Dinners in order to assure a warm meal and fellowship to homebound elders, people with disabilities, and those who would otherwise be alone on Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year, the Bishop’s Holiday Dinners on Thanksgiving and […]
News & Events Check back here for our latest news updates and upcoming events! Massachusetts DEP Gap Energy Grant Received for Boiler UpgradeReadMarch Community Bag Donation ProgramsReadT&G Santa Fund Donates Toys to Catholic CharitiesRead2022 Bishop’s Holiday Dinner Volunteers Needed!ReadCongressman Visits Catholic Charities Worcester OfficeReadHomecare Services Available Through Worcester County & BeyondReadThe Voice of Business [...] Read more